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Hello fellow travelers, my name is Aaron Lee. I want to start out real candid and honest with you. I'm a complete mess. I have Avoidant Personality Disorder so I struggle with social environments, I'm paranoid and I have severe anxiety and seasons of depression. I often feel worthless and incapable of things. Often I live out of fear and spend way too much money self-medicating. Oh, did I mention that I'm an emotional eater and it shows?  Why does this matter? Because I want you to know that you aren't alone in your struggles and for you to understand what you're buying into. I'm a guide for us. A guide who doesn't know all of the answers, but so desperately desires to breathe the air of freedom thats found ONLY in the character and love of God. I want you to experience that same air.

I want to be clear about something though, this isn't about me. It's about us! To join me on this journey you have to do two things 1.) Live Real. 2.) Never Give Up. You "Live Real" by acknowledging your struggles, the bad days, and admit that sometimes people get on your nerves. You "Never Give Up" when you keep fighting no matter how hard and unbearable it may feel.

No matter what stage of this journey you're on, its about progress, not perfection. So don't give up. I'm with you. Let's go!



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Through inspirational, information, and entertaining content I hope to encourage others to never give up.



The original means in which I sought to help others, I pray to continue to use the podcast platform for discussion of the thought faith and mental health questions we all ask.

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Photography is one of my greatest loves and truly helps my mental health. I hope to use this platform to inspire and encourage.

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